
Monday, 18 May 2020

Welcome Back Room 11

Today was the first day back to school! And today's task was to write down some questions relating to Covid -19 so I made a copy of the slide deck Miss Tupou gave my class and I answered them in my own words.

Friday, 15 May 2020

Mysteries Of The World - Stonehenge

For Today's 3rd activity we had the choice to choose a mystery area, And today I chose to do research on Stonehenge. In my piece of writing I will show you 10 facts about it and what Stonehenge is about I hope you enjoy!

Who Created It? - 6

This is my completed work number 6 which is the lucky last from task Who Created it I really do hope you all have enjoyed these!

Who Created It? - 5

This is my completed work number 5 I hope you enjoy

Who Created It? - 4

This is my finished work number 4 From the task Who Created it Enjoy!

Who Created It? - 3

This is my completed project number 3 of task Who Created It

Who Created It? - 2

This is my completed work number 2 for the task Who Created It.

Who Created It? - 1

For Today's task Who Created it we had to write down the creators of one of the top most popular apps. These apps are rarely used. Today I will share with you 6 completed work relating to this task I hope you enjoy!

What Are They Known For? - 5

This is my completed work number 5 which is the lucky last of the task for What Are The Known For.
I Really Do Hope You were enjoying these 

What Are They Known For? - 4

This is my completed work number 4 from the task What Are They Known For

What Are They Known For? - 3

This is my finished work number 3 from the task What Are They Known For

What Are They Known For? - 2

I have now finished my second task of What Are They Known For? So I hope you enjoy this one

What Are They Known For?

For Today's Fun Friday activity we had to write 1. Career and 2. Net Worth, Today we were looking at the top richest people in the world. We had to search up things about them like there Career/Job and there net worth, So here is my first work but if you scroll up theirs more of this same task Hope you enjoy!

Who Created It?

The 5th task for today's activity was now to find the creators of these popular apps. These apps are rarely used now these days. So if you didn't know the creators of these popular apps well your in luck because your about to find out!

Crack The Code

Today Is Fun Friday So Our Teacher Miss Tupou Gave Us Some Fun Activities To Do, Our First Task For Today Is To Crack A Code. Here Is My Final Product.


Today is our last day of video calls so we kind of celebrated it by doing some fun activities so here is my first activity I will share with you all.
Today's task we had to write down the answers of the riddles our teacher has given us here is my final product.

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Word Work - Daily 5

For today's activity in Word work we had a choice of multiple activities and today I chose to do The meaning of my spelling words so here is what I have done.

Tamariki Talks Task

For today's task in Tamariki talks Task we had to choose a challenge that we have not done yet. So today I chose to do The Great Roll, In my piece of writing I have shown you a photo of me playing this challenge and I also showed you some things you will need and lastly I have written down how to play the Great Roll. I hope you enjoy

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Writing - Pobble

Today's task in writing I chose to choose an image on, In my piece of writing I included some describing words and some new words I have not tried.

Last Day Of Technology - Plants

Today was my Tech's groups last day of science, So today we were working on Plants. Today we focused on leaves and the cells of them,We learnt that when the Stomata opens it lets the carbon dioxide come in then closes it. We also learnt that when the water goes in the roots it comes through the vascular bundle which is a hollow tube the water goes through then comes inside the leaf. Did you know that those little veins in the leaf is for spreading the water throughout the leaf?

Cyber Smart - 2

This is my completed work number two from the task Cyber smart, What I had to do is I had to Link the things Miss Tupou gave us. So I Linked those in and once I linked them I had to tick in the box so here is my final product. Enjoy!

Cybersmart - 1

Today's task in cyber smart we had to list down 4 rules of the kawa of care so that is what I did. We also had to list down some examples of appropriate sites so I also did that. I am now going to share my work with you all

Word Work

For Today's task in word work I chose to do smartphone spelling. How this works is you have to write down the numbers with the letters in your word so that is what I have done in my work so enjoy:)

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Samoan Delicasies

Today's task for Learn,Create,Share was food, We had to write down our cultural dishes and write down all the ingredients so here is what I have done.

Listen to reading

For today's task in daily 5 I chose to do Listen to reading I chose Storyline online and for the book I chose Hanukkah in Alaska so here is my final product.

Word Work - Synonyms

For Today's task in Word work I chose to do Synonyms, So what I have to do is I have to Write down another word for all of my spelling words so here is my final product.

Monday, 11 May 2020


For today's task in math we had to solve a math problem so here is what Iv'e done.

Reading 2

For today's task in reading we had to answer all of the questions our teacher gave us to answer in a paragraph. Today's reading was that we had to go on coconetTv and watch the video about 'Aho'eitu so here is my final product.

Math Year 7&8

For today's task in math we had to figure out how many kilometers it would take for blank to get to Clearwater so here is what I have done.


For today's task in reading we had to go on the site called coconetTv, Today we had to answer each question our teacher gave us in a paragraph Today we were working on The legend of Telesa so here is my work.


For today's activity in writing we had to write down a answer for each question our teacher gave us in a paragraph so here is my final product.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Daily 5 - Word work

For today's task in word work I chose to do the silly sentences In my piece of work I am showing some of my spelling words and I was trying to make them in a silly sentence so here is what I have finished.

Lock down Photography

For today's task Mr victor gave everyone a task to do, For today's task we had to take a photo of something that represents Lock Down and we also had to write down a description of what we thought or what we did during lock down so here is my final product.

Listening to reading - Daily 5

For today's task in Daily 5 I chose to do Listening to reading, In listening to reading we could either choose story line online or coconet tv. I chose story line online so here is what I've read about.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Work on writing/Daily 5

For today's activity on daily 5 in work on writing I chose to do pobble 365, What I had to do was I had to come up with what I think the picture might be about and write a story just on the picture so here is what I have done.

Monday, 4 May 2020

Would you rather - Work on writing

For today's activity in daily 5 on work on writing I chose to do the would you rather task. For this task we had to choose two would you rater questions and answer them in a paragraph so here is my final product.

Friday, 1 May 2020

Order In The Court Word Work

Today's activity for daily was '' Order In The Court''! Where we have to write all of our spelling words and one side is in alphabetical order and one is all mixed up so here is my final product.

Listening to reading - Daily 5 T2

For today's activity in daily 5 I chose listen to reading and for today's book I chose The coal Thief. In this piece of work I have done it will show you Who red this book and the author and also some questions about the book our WALT is to summarize the main ideas in the videos.

F.I.R.E - Angelyn

Today's activity for Tamariki Talks we had to give descriptions for F.I.R.E and also show what they look like so here is my work.

Color Poem - Work on writing

   Today's activity for work on writing in daily 5 was '' Color Poem'' Where we have to write about our favorite color and describe what it Feels like,Looks like and more. So here is my finished product.