
Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Miss Trunchbull

Miss Trunchbull is based on a movie called Matilda she is the principal in the movie. She is described as Mean,Malevolent,Nasty,Vindictive and Unkind she is a principal who gets mad at little innocent kids. We have learnt about miss Trunchbull a lot of people in my class have also learnt a lot about descriptive writing. She is a person having or showing or strong or evil relationship and wanting to give back revenge.
Image result for miss trunchbull

Miss Kelly's Farewell

Dear Miss Kelly

I would like to start off by saying thank you, Thank you because you have always been here for room 11 and you would always help us with our learning. We have had an great time with you Miss Kelly, Been have been a very good helpful student teacher around room 11. Room 11 would also like to say thank you for doing the teacher duties outside and just for looking after everyone. You are kind funny and helpful. On Friday was very awesome we played lots of games with miss Kelly. Thank you Miss Kelly for everything goodbye. 

Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Positive Puberty

Last Tuesday the seniors and the middles learnt about positive puberty we learnt about how our bodies change when we grow bigger. We learnt about different body parts and your hair growing in different parts of your body. The boys and girls got separated, the boys learnt a little bit about the girls body parts and their body parts. Then the girls learnt a bit about the boys body parts and then we learnt about our body parts.
             Thank you I hope you enjoyed